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Track H: CCR, CCP, CCS, Coal Ash, Impoundments
Track H: CCR, CCP, CCS, Coal Ash, Impoundments
Track H: CCR, CCP, CCS, Coal Ash, Impoundments
Coal Ash | CCR | CCS | SWM
Dan Chartier
Utility Solid Waste Regulatory Issues
Utility Solid Waste Regulatory Issues
Speaker Name – Company – RTP
Summary of Presentation
DOE ARPA-E FLExible Carbon Capture and Storage (FLECCS) Program
Slurry Walls for Hydraulic Control at CCR Sites
DOE ARPA-E FLExible Carbon Capture and Storage (FLECCS) Program
Chris Vandervort – Department of Energy – Technology-to-Market Advisor
The objective of the DOE ARPA-E FLExible Carbon Capture and Storage (FLECCS) program is to develop carbon capture and storage (CCS) technologies that enable natural gas-fired combined cycles (NGCC) to be responsive to grid conditions in a high variable renewable energy environment. CCS equipped NGCC plants present a viable option for decarbonization, but increasing penetration of VRE sources complicates design, operation and maintenance, and commercialization potential. Changing market signals are resulting in operational challenges such as increased ramping of electricity generators. Implications for the CCS system and downstream CO2 storage and transport are equally or more challenging.
Sylvain Payne-Gagnon
Slurry Walls for Hydraulic Control at CCR Sites
Hydraulic Containment at CCR Sites: Now More than Ever
Slurry Walls for Hydraulic Control at CCR Sites
Sylvain Payne-Gagnon, Paul Lear – Forgen, McLean, VA, USA
Hydraulic containment involves controlling the movement of contaminated groundwater, preventing the continued expansion of the contaminated zone. CCR impoundments and landfills with impacts to groundwater can benefit from hydraulic containment.
Traditionally, slurry walls have been used for hydraulic containment. An overview of slurry wall techniques will be given to familiarize the audience with these technologies. An example project where Forgen was contracted to install a slurry wall as part of a Vertical Hydraulic Barrier System to encircle the ash consolidation area for a CCR impoundment undergoing closure in-place will be discussed to demonstrate the applicability of this technique.
CCR | CCP Harvesting | Concrete Domes
Fb 14 (10 am – 12 pm)
Mark Rokoff – Jim Aiken
Setting the Stage: Proposed Legacy CCR Surface Impoundment Rule
Setting the Stage: Proposed Legacy CCR Surface Impoundment Rule
Mark Rokoff – Burns & McDonnell
On May 18, 2023, the EPA published their proposed Legacy CCR Surface Impoundment Rule which has created quite a stir in the scope and breadth of what is intended to be required (and the corresponding schedule to execute). There is a lot to understand and subsequently begin planning for based on the proposed requirements throughout the fleet. Mark Rokoff will present a deeper dive into new rule to aid in understanding and implementation. The presentation will focus on the following:
- Stage setting: Review a modern history of the CCR Rule and discuss why and how we got here
- Overview of the Rule: A high-level overview of the content of the rule and key issues
- Detailed Summary: An intentional presentation of the rule, what is included, how it applies, what needs to be done and the proposed timing (with a bit of commentary)
- Preparation: A conversation of next steps to prepare for implantation and a discussion of what may come. Intended to be a comprehensive conversation on the new legacy CCR Rule and address how to prepare.
Steve Sullivan
Beneficiation of Harvested Fly Ash Using a Triboelectric Belt Separator
Beneficiation of Harvested Fly Ash Using a Triboelectric Belt Separator
Steve Sullivan – Separation Technologies
Tribo-electrostatic separation has been used for the commercial beneficiation of coal combustion fly ash to produce a low carbon product for use as a cement replacement in concrete for twenty-five years. With 24 separators in 18 coal-fired power plants and cement plants across the world, Separation Technologies’ (ST) patented electrostatic separator has been used to produce over 20 Million tons of low carbon product that has been recycled for use in concrete or cement production. To date, commercial tribo-electrostatic beneficiation of fly ash has been performed primarily on dry “fresh” or “production” ash. Reductions in the quantity of dry fly ash generated and requirements to empty historical ash landfills and ponds has created the need to develop a process to reclaim and beneficiate landfilled or ponded ash.
ST has developed and commercialized a new process for beneficiation of reclaimed fly ash from landfills and ponds that utilizes fly ash drying and deagglomeration technology together with the ST tribo-electrostatic carbon separation technology. ST has installed a demonstration of this new process at the Talen Energy Brunner Island power station near York PA. The ST fly ash beneficiation process offers both utility and cementitious materials customers an environmentally friendly, low-carbon emission, fly ash recycling technology which enables cost effective landfill and pond reclamation.
Randall Stremmel
Beneficial Reuse of CCR to Manufacture LEED Construction Material without Creating Another Waste Stream
Beneficial Reuse of CCR to Manufacture LEED Construction Material without Creating Another Waste Stream
Randall Stremmel – Brixx Technology
This abstract discusses the research and development undertaken by Brixx Technology to utilize coal combustion residuals (CCR) in manufacturing sustainable building materials. The study aimed to determine the feasibility of producing eco-friendlier alternatives to existing reuse programs. The process involved a systematic approach to meet ASTM specifications for commercial building materials while ensuring economic viability. Initial experiments were conducted on a pilot scale, validating the feasibility of producing high-quality products using off-spec, F-class, and landfilled ash. The process involves combining fly and bottom ash with proprietary binders, water is added, and the mixture is pressed into desired shapes, followed by hydrothermal curing to form durable building materials. Mechanical properties were validated through internal and accredited laboratory testing. A mass production facility was established in India, demonstrating consistent quality and financial feasibility, followed by a facility in the United States in Ohio. Environmental benefits include reduced energy consumption, shorter production times, and elimination of waste streams. Alternative uses of CCR, combined with other industrial waste, were explored successfully. Future directions involve sequestering CO2 in the manufactured products. The study showcases the potential of CCR-based building materials for sustainable construction practices.
Ted Parkinson
Cost-Effective, Green, Concrete Domes for Bulk Storage of CCPs
H3.3 Cost-effective, Green, Concrete Domes for Bulk Storage of CCPs
Ted Parkinson, Business Development Director – Domtec International, LLC
This paper focuses on optimizing bulk storage of Coal Combustion Products (CCPs). It discusses state-of-the-art, green (climate friendly), storage structure solutions for plants, terminals and ports using concrete domes in both domestic (USA) and overseas markets.
Various successful storage projects will be discussed including for fly ash, limestone, coal, and FGD gypsum. The benefits of dome storage will be addressed as well as various methods for product handling and reclaim, including automated reclaim systems mechanical and pneumatic (screws, stacker-reclaimers, and fluidized floors, etc.).
The paper will also demonstrate how concrete domes are truly a ‘green’ storage structure alternative.
3 short Questions
- How are concrete domes a more efficient type of storage structure?
- In what ways are concrete domes considered ‘green’?
- What is a concrete dome’s productive life span?
Co-authors: Zac Fillmore, Ted Parkinson
CCR | CCP | Risk Assessment | Rules | Closures
Feb 14 (1 pm – 3 pm)
Jim Aiken
Update on EPA Part A, Part B, and Consent Order Determinations with Applications for CCR Legacy Rule
Update on EPA Part A, Part B, and Consent Order Determinations with Applications for CCR Legacy Rule
Jim Aiken – Barr Engineering Co.
The 2015 EPA CCR Rule was originally intended as a ‘self-implementing’ rule that left many critical decisions up to the owner and their designated qualified professional engineer (QPE). Without a permitting program, and without clear guidance on how EPA is interpreting the rule, the default compliance paradigm has been the use of general industry practice as a standard of care. More recently, the EPA’s determinations (Part A, Part B, and Consent Orders) have provided much more insight into what the EPA considers compliant-and in some cases-appears to require a new standard of care. This presentation summarizes the four main categories cited by EPA as deficient, including Site Characterization, Reporting/Certifications, Statistics, and Alternative Source Determinations as well as a tally of EPA’s findings in each category. We will summarize each deficiency type and offer ideas on improving compliance. For example, a common type of deficiency can be described generally as “a lack of rigor” in evaluating data and testing alternative hypotheses. Enhanced data collection and analysis techniques may offer a more defensible basis for conclusions in the event of future EPA or state enforcement actions. The insight offered by this analysis may be used to inform compliance under the anticipated CCR Legacy Rule, which brings in a new type of CCR unit called the CCR Management Unit or CCRMU. Defining and monitoring CCRMUs will require a degree of rigor that we believe can borrow from the insight gained from evaluation of the EPA’s previous determinations.
Solids Separation a Novel Approach to CCR Closure
Solids Separation a Novel Approach to CCR Closure
Solids Separation a Novel Approach to CCR Closure
Jarrod Rice – Yukon Technology
USEPA regulations prohibit the use of unlined ponds for ash management at coal-fired powerplants. Each CCR pond is different requiring unique solutions for each location. The concept of wet dredging and a solids separation plant is a novel approach to addressing these new regulations.
There are several benefits to wet dredging and solids separation over the traditional methods. Initially, by avoiding traditional dewatering, we reduce the potential of oxidizing metals in the ash and preventing them from leaching into the water reducing the need for costly water treatment. Additionally, wet dredging allows the movement of ash out of the pond earlier in the closure process. Hydraulic dredging and the use of a solids separation plant also allows for the processing of wet ash into a dry easily transportable product reducing the time required for ash management. Finally, removing ash through dredging preserves the stability of the ash in place reducing the dangers of ash slides providing a safe and secure field from which to work.
Water generated during this process can be returned to the pond for further sluicing of ash or treated further to allow for permitted release. Water can also be reused onsite for operational needs such as a truck wash or dust control. Using this approach to ash management, a significant amount of time and costs can be saved.
This presentation will discuss in detail the use of dredging and mechanical solids separation to reduce the time and costs associated with CCR pond closure.
Alejandra Cabrera
Multi-gas FTIR Monitoring in Carbon Capture Processes
B1.3 Multi-gas FTIR Monitoring in Carbon Capture Processes
Alejandra Cabrera – Gasmet
Carbon capture plants deploy several methods ranging from membranes, to amine-based technologies that involve components which degrade into ammonia, formamide, aldehydes, organic acids, nitrosamines and other toxic gaseous species. Gas products pose challenges for sampling and analysis given the presence of water vapor and high concentrations of carbon dioxide as well as certain water-soluble compounds.
There are currently stationary and semi-portable hot-wet FTIR (Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy) instruments for online analysis and gas emissions monitoring from such plants. These units scan a wide wavenumber spectrum where several species absorb infrared light, allowing to simultaneously measure more than 25 gases. FTIR analytes include standard criteria pollutants such as CH4, CO2, NOx, SO2, acid gases, NH3, aldehydes, and other VOCs, and extend to amines and amine by-products observed in CO2 absorber and amine stripping towers. Some of these substances are ecotoxic, have low biodegradability, and are known to cause cancer.
This presentation reviews FTIR principles, sampling solutions, and available configurations for online gas analysis at carbon capture and storage plants. It highlights industrial and laboratory scale case studies using semi-portable and CEM systems, and advantages as related to analytical performance, component flexibility, and maintenance requirements.
Co-Author: Jim Cornish, Gasmet Technologies
1. How are different gas matrices and concentrations analyzed?
2. What gas components cannot be monitored with FTIR?
3. Can I measure from multiple sampling points within a plant?
CCR | Closures | Solidification
Feb 14 (3:30-5:30 pm)
Don Fuller II
CCR Unit Closure 2024 – Engineering & Construction Management
CCR Unit Closure 2024 – Engineering and Construction Management Straight Talk
Don Fuller II – Stantec
In association with the ongoing Energy Transition, the Power Industry has undertaken hundreds of CCR Unit closures. By some accounts, the total closure compliance cost to date is over $15B USD . Closure engineering and construction process state of practice has evolved significantly through execution of these major projects. Closure can be viewed through the following progressive processes:•Ash Characterization•Dewatering•Excavation•Moisture Conditioning•Transport•End PlacementThis presentation takes a deep dive into the collective wealth of experience in CCR engineering and construction management afforded by the authors. Each closure process is tabled thru the criteria of:•Objectives•Proven Solutions•Lessons LearnedThrough this distilled down “straight talk”, both novice CCR and industry experts will find clarity on how we have advanced the practice and where there are opportunities for continued innovation. The discussion concludes with a holistic evaluation of realized ash handling production rates associated with several major closure projects under a wide array of site conditions. Ultimately, realized production rates are directly impacted by one or more of the closure processes identified above. The impacts typically come in the form of site or construction process “constraints”. Production rates from the case histories are linked to the site-specific constraint logic outlined to provide the audience with this valuable insight on CCR mass material handling realities.
Tim Silar
Discrete In-Situ Solidification of CCR Impoundments
Discreet In-Situ Solidification of CCR Impoundments
Tim Silar
Full scale implementation of Discrete In-Situ Solidification (Discrete ISS), a cost effective impoundment closure technology is ongoing. State and Federal regulators have determined that Discrete ISS meets U.S. EPA’s requirement of an engineering control that will control, minimize, or eliminate to the maximum extent feasible movement of liquid into and out of impoundments. Silar Services Inc.’s patented, proprietary technology meets these requirements by mitigating groundwater infiltration.
Discrete ISS technology hydraulically isolates coal combustion residuals (CCR) from groundwater by constructing a hydraulic barrier at the bottom of the impoundment and along the perimeter using engineered ISS applications on the CCR and natural material, and capping the impoundment for closure. If Discrete ISS is appropriate at your site, inclusion of Discrete ISS significantly will reduce the cost and schedule of closure for utilities and ratepayers without sacrificing environmental protection.
CCR Corrective Measures/Remedies – Smart Implementation Strategies 2024
CCR Corrective Measures/Remedies - Smart Implementation Strategies 2024
CCR Corrective Measures/Remedies – Smart Implementation Strategies 2024
Steve Putrich –