Presentations from Sessions J4 and F8 at EUEC 2015, San Diego, CA
J4.1 Advanced Lead Acid Battery Technology for Micro and Mild Hybrid EV Application
Shawn Peng, V.P of Technology, Leoch Battery Corp.
In this presentation, the latest technology of the advanced lead acid batteries will be reviewed.
With the global environmental concern and CO2 emission regulation implementation, new battery
technologies has been required and needed to fulfill the hybrid EV application, especially in micro and
mild hybrid levels to meet the majority auto user requests in the global market in next 10 years until 2025.
In the lead acid battery industry, with over 150 year history, an evolution of technology has been taken
since 2000 year and entered into accelerated stage, which combined the carbon technology and
fast punching lead thin grid plate production technology to give high energy density lead acid battery
as well as suitable cycle life, the dynamic charging acceptance and HRPSoC performance in order
to meet stop-start vehicle, micro hybrid EV and mild hybrid EV application. The global automotive
market of HEV will be analyzed as well as the trend in next 10 years will be forecasted. The advanced
lead acid battery technology will be summarized, which will include new manufacture processes. The
international standards (IEC, EN, SBA-Japan, SAE, GB-China) of batteries for micro hybrid EV application
will also be studied as well as the related regulations.
J4.2 Secondary Use Applications of Plug-in Electric Vehicle Lithium-Ion Batteries
Mike Ferry, Senior Specialist, Advanced Energy Projects, Center for Sustainable Energy; Michele Bogen
The importance of second-life battery research has increased with the numbers of electric vehicles
(EVs) entering the automotive market. Although the batteries used in EVs usually have a vehicle
lifetime of 8-10 years, they still have significant capacity and power remaining for alternative uses
upon their retirement. Finding secondary uses for these EV batteries has the potential to reduce their
up-front cost while achieving new benefits to consumers and utilities through such applications as
demand charge management, renewable energy integration and regulation energy management.
The Center for Sustainable Energy (CSE) has developed a test facility at the University of California,
San Diego (UCSD) in order to conduct long-term research to determine the viability and potential
value of used EV batteries in post-vehicle, stationary energy storage applications. CSE has successfully
studied the baseline health of four EV batteries and developed a long-term testing protocol to track
battery performance over time under second-use application cycling. CSE will present the findings and
development process of this project, as well as provide insights on future expansion and application
of this research.
J4.3 How Can Intelligent Energy Storage Be Cost Effective?
Victor Shao, CEO, Green Charge Networks
Power Efficiency – ROI-driven energy storage case study. Energy efficiency is a decades-old
initiative that is inclusive of everything from lighting retrofits to Energy Star appliances. While Energy
(kWh) efficiency remains a noble objective, the low hanging fruits have been quickly expended. The
next wave of innovation will come from Power (kW) Efficiency solutions, with energy storage as the
centerpiece, which has the potential to become a $100B market in California alone over the next 10
years. Green Charge Networks (Green Charge) will present a case study showing ROI-driven energy
storage GreenStation saved 7-Eleven business 56% on their electricity bills during the July week in 2013,
summer heat waves, and during recent Polar Vortex. The GreenStation was able to reduce more than
50% of demand charges (kW). Green Charge has developed the intelligent GreenStation products
and services to empower businesses to better control their energy use and reduce their monthly electric
costs. The root technology is a smart controller with sophisticated software that monitors facility loads
on a second-by-second basis. The stochastic software embedded in the controller takes into account
historical data as well as the real-time operating environment at the facility to make predictive energy
storage charge / discharge decisions and exactly offset the peaks and valleys. This case study will
achieve a key objective: Alleviate power peaks created during extreme weather.
J4.4 LAPS Cycle for Bulk Energy Storage
William Conlon, President, Pintail Power LLC
The increasing deployment of wind and solar renewable generation is increasing the volatility of
dynamic energy pricing in the electric power industry. The CAISO Duck Curve illustrates the challenge
of matching supply and demand as the renewable portfolio increases, and the attendant overgeneration
and ramp risks. Bulk Energy Storage can mediate imbalances in supply and demand, but
Pumped Hydro Storage (PHS) and Compressed Air Energy Storage (CAES), require geological features
that are often not available. Pintail Power’s patent pending Liquid Air Power and Storage (LAPS) Cycle
blends compact, low-cost bulk energy storage, with fossil fuels to achieve unique and compelling
advantages over the alternatives. Scalable Bulk Energy Storage (tens to hundreds of MegaWatthours);
Compact and easily sited system; High Power Output to Input ratio, to maximize revenue; High
Efficiency to minimize the cost of purchased fuel and electricity; Low Heat Rate to reduce CO2 emissions
compared to peaking plants. The LAPS Cycle is analogous to CAES and is comprised of commercial
systems and well-understood technologies, leading to low installed cost and low technology risk. The
presentation will describe the LAPS Cycle and provide cost and performance projections.
J4.5 Li-ion Battery Technology Based Energy Storage System – Challenges, Opportunities and Applications
Yuan Dao, General Manager, Elite Power Solutions
J4.6 NMP Free Manufacturing Processes Applied to Grid Scale Lithium Ion Energy Storage Applications
Rajshekar DasGupta, Vice President Technology, Electrovaya
Electrovaya has been a pioneer for lithium ion battery technology for many and has specialized in its
unique green NMP free manufacturing process in addition to its systems expertise. It recently launched
its next generation of its cell and systems technology, SuperPolymer2.0, with substantial developments
in cell abuse tolerance, system performance and safety. Since its launch, Electrovaya has had case
studies in multiple large scale applications including grid scale energy storage, micro grid energy
storage and distributed community scale energy storage systems. These case studies will be discussed
in depth. Furthermore, the long term benefits of NMP free manufacturing will be discussed in how it
pertains to cell performance, cost and implementation.
J4.7 Operating Zones Identification for Independent-Energy-Storage
Hussein Abdeltawab, Teaching assistant, University of Alberta; Yasser Mohamed Abdel Rady
Energy storage provides many services to the grid; however unfortunately, the lack of regulatory
rules and grid codes for energy storage systems (ESS) in different applications is one of the main
challenges facing effective integration of ESS in grid systems. While ESS acts as an electrical load or
generator, the network operator (ISO) needs to define the safe dispatchability zones of each ESS
in case of charge or discharge modes. Within these zones , the ISO should guarantee that system
operational limits are respected under renewable generation and load uncertainties, and possible
contingencies. On the other hand, as each ESS has a different stakeholder with different profit
portfolios and dispatching agendas (e.g. energy arbitrage or renewable integration), the ISO should
not interfere in ESS commitment or impose a certain dispatching strategy on other assets. In addition
to the aforementioned challenges, load and renewable energy resources uncertainty makes the
dispatch problem more complicated. This presentation will discuss a mechanism that can define the
dispatchability zones of ESS in the distribution system such that the power quality and security is kept
within allowable level and the grid code is respected.
F8.1 Energy Storage & California Bill 2514
Alexander Schneider, Intern, Leidos Inc.; Sean McPherson
Maintaining a reliable and efficient grid can be difficult and expensive. Large-scale energy storage
offers unique benefits that can help us meet these grid needs and ever increasing energy demand.
With the recent passing of California Assembly Bill 2514, requiring storage procurement for load
serving entities, the energy storage market looks to grow even larger. This presentation looks to offer
professionals an edge by teaching a high-level understanding of the energy storage market and
hitting on key points of California Assembly Bill 2514.
F8.2 Challenges in Development of Lithium Ion Battery Materials for Grid Applications
Dee Strand, CSO, Wildcat Discovery Technologies
Grid storage applications present unique opportunities for lithium ion battery technologies with long
life, high energy density, and high power capability. However, the lifetimes required for grid energy
storage are beyond those for typical lithium ion applications such as consumer electronics and even
automotive use. Therefore, novel materials and combinations of material components are required
to meet performance of this new energy storage market. This presentation will focus on challenges of
developing and demonstrating materials adequate for grid storage. Wildcat Discovery Technologies is
involved in the discovery and development of materials for lithium-ion batteries. Using proprietary high
throughput tools, Wildcat can synthesize and over 1,500 new materials per week and then measure
capacity, power, voltage, and cycle life for those materials in actual battery cells. Wildcat works with
companies throughout the battery industry on all parts of the battery – cathodes, anodes, electrolytes
and additives. As a result, Wildcat helps its customers accelerate battery performance improvements,
significantly reduce R&D costs and speed the introduction of their products to market.
F8.3 Planning and Operational Strategy of a Li-ion Battery Powered Base Station
Sungwoo Bae, Assitant Professor / PhD, Yeungnam University; Sung-Yul Kim, Keimyung University
This paper presents a planning and operational strategy of a Li-ion battery powered base station (BTS).
Wireless telecommunication service providers have strived for reducing the operating expenditure
(OPEX) of their base stations because an urban BTS consumes more power as the data uses of mobile
subscribers increase in these days. This power increase tendency is also true for a rural BTS because of
its wide coverage area. Thus, in order to reduce an OPEX, mobile service providers have studied for a
green BTS which uses less electricity from the main power grid for its normal operation with renewable
or alternative energy sources. Because these renewable and alternative energy sources requires high
capital expenditure (CAPEX), a green BTS without a proper design or an operational strategy may
increase the total cost of ownership (TCO) that includes OPEX and CAPEX. Although such capital
investment can be retrieved over time, few wireless service providers seem to have focused on the
TCO reduction of a green BTS for its planning and operation. Therefore, this paper proposes a design
and operational strategy for a green BTS which uses a Li-ion battery to reduce its TCO. To achieve this
TCO reduction, the proposed paper considered various aspects including BTS energy profile, electricity
rate, battery health and lifetime, charging and discharging cycle for BTS batteries.
F8.4 Integrating Liquid Air Energy Storage (LAES) Technology within Industry to Provide Operational Flex
Travis Starns, General Manager- Projects Unit, ADA-ES, Inc.; Cameron Martin, Ron Hanson, Jon
Lagarenne, ADA-ES, Inc.; Matthew Barnett, Highview Power Storage
As variable sources of renewable energy continue to increase market share within the utility industry, this
creates an operational challenge not only for grid operations, but for existing generating assets (e.g.,
fossil fuel EGUs) as well. Combining these challenges along with recent legislation targeting increased
renewable energy development, energy storage can help mediate between variable power sources
and loads. This presentation will focus on Liquid Air Energy Storage (LAES), a commercially available
energy storage technology which can be used for large scale and long duration energy storage
applications. The LAES technology utilizes existing and mature components with proven performance
for large grid scale applications, without using exotic materials or producing harmful emissions and
has no geographic constraints. LAES can use surplus electricity to make liquid air which can be stored
and released later to generate electricity at times of high demand/high cost. LAES can be used
in arbitrage and ancillary services markets, but can also be integrated into existing fossil fuel plants
and provide operational benefits such as lower unit heat rate (Btu/kWh), reduce CO2 emissions, and
potentially increase performance with existing air pollution control equipment. Information presented
will provide a technology overview for LAES and how this technology can be integrated into existing
generating assets and increase operational flexibility and performance.
F8.5 Utilizing Molten Salt Thermal Storage at Thermal Power Plants to Reduce GHG Emissions
Justin Raade, CEO, Halotechnics, Inc.; Travis Starns, Cam Martin, Ron Hanson & Jon Lagarenne, ADAES
Halotechnics has developed a novel thermal energy storage (TES) technology (SteamBoost™) which
can be integrated into existing fossil fuel plants to increase plant capacity, reduce greenhouse gas
(GHG) emissions, and potentially generate a new revenue stream for capacity payments in markets
where applicable. The SteamBoost™ technology utilizes molten salt and large electrical heaters to
temporarily store thermal energy during periods of low demand. This stored energy is discharged
by generating steam during peak demand periods and boosting the output of the steam turbine
generator. This scalable technology also utilizes commercially available components available from
multiple supply chains. Using molten salt for thermal energy storage is a proven technology and has
been operating at several concentrating solar power plants and other industrial applications for many
years. This presentation will explore the benefits of this technology and provide a business case to
support these technologies in today’s markets.
F8.6 The Potential of Glass as Hydrogen Storage Material
Ronald Meyer, Ph.D. Student, BAM Federal Institute for Materials Research and Testing; Christian
Groeschl & Dr. Kai Holtappels, BAM Federal Institure for Materials Research and Testing; Prof. Dan
Eliezer; C.EN Stand For Clean Energy
More and more the importance of new energy sources for the future is taking centre stage in policy
and daily life. A favorite role could take hydrogen due to opportunity of producing it with renewable
energy. However, the storage of that energy carrier in acceptable amounts is still a problem. Glass as
material with outstanding properties in strength, environmental acceptability and safety technology
can be applied in that field of development. Compared to other materials glass has the unique and
essential property that the tensile strength increases with decreasing material thickness. Thin hollow
fibers made off different types and dimensions of glass were tested and proven as suitable storage
vessels with pressure resistances above 150 MPa. Based on the pressure tests statistical evaluations
by using Weibull distributions were carried out to determine the failure probability. Furthermore the
opportunity of improvement by protecting the fibers with a coating was investigated and concluded
in astonishing results. Combining a high number of such capillaries in complex structures, able to
withstand inner pressures required to store hydrogen in proper way, gives the possibility of a storage
system usable in different applications. Thereby, the modular assembly allows for the construction of
variable structures of the storage system, allowing for its application at the safest place of installation.
These analysis and results will be discussed more in detail.
F8.7 Affordable Flywheel Electricity Storage Changes Everything
Darin Olson, CTO, QuinteQ Energy Storage; Joris Benninga, Paul Vosbeek & Matthew Ross
The share of electricity in the total global energy consumption is growing fast. Without storage this
leads to continuous, complex system balancing needs, underused production assets and prevents
cost effective integration of large shares of renewable energy. Cost effective energy storage leads to
enormous cost savings and environmental benefits. High energy density flywheel storage is the answer
to the above existing, growing and systemic storage problem. Contrary to electrochemical batteries,
flywheels are a fully mechanical, non-toxic solution with a very predictable 20 year lifetime that can be
fully guaranteed. Premier among these is a next generation flywheel platform with no physical contact
between rotor and housing, ready for today’s markets and able to integrate future, stronger rotor
materials, increasing energy densities and cost effectiveness even further. These flywheels are being
commercialized and form the next generation of energy storage technology that is 5-15 times more
cost effective than current solutions.This paper details the next generation of flywheel energy storage
that, when paired with advanced management software, will optimize the grid with intuitive, fast-acting
response allowing increased integration of renewables and the increased intermittent connection of
high demand EV batteries. The initial target markets are grid stabilization, island operation and mission
critical UPS solutions, where power quality, security, and stability are critical.