Presented in Track B1: CEMs at EUEC 2011,January 31 Phoenix, Arizona
B1.1 | Particulate CEM for wet FGD plant
William Averdieck | Managing Director, PCME Ltd
The use of Particulate CEMS after Wet Flue Gas Desulpherisation (FGD) plant has new relevance in North America due to the low levels (typically 1- 5mg/m3 of submicron particulate)and the presense of water droplets and steam which are interferents for traditional opacity techniques. This paper overviews the CEM techniques used in Europe to make particulate measurements in these and other power plant applications, and discusses their relevance and applicabiity to North American installations. The paper also reviews a new instrument developed by PCME focused on tolerating the corrosive environment of wet FGD while making a reliable particulate CEM measurement.
B1.2 | Tips for Successful Integration of your CEMS from a Consultant’s Perspective
Brian Petermann | Manager, Air Quality Compliance Services, Sega, Inc.
From the beginning to the end, successful implementation of a CEMs project is a journey that gets to its destination on schedule, on budget, and with the least number of detours. This presentation will provide useful project performance tips valuable to CEMs vendors and plant owners. The content is practical in nature and developed from a consultant’s perspective in managing and navigating the coordination of CEMs implementation projects at both new plants as well as modifications to existing systems. Topics include: Applicability, Specification, Selection, Design, FAT, Installation, Shakedown, Certification, and Completion.
B1.3 | The NEW Protocol Gas Verification Program: Gases and Stack Testers
Robert Davis | Director of Utilities, Airgas Inc
The purpose of the paper is to review the new PGVP which was in the federal register in June. There will be requirements on CFR 40 part 75 plants in terms of gas use as well as requirements for stack testers that are contracted or internal stack testers for quarterly and RATA testing. I will lay out all the new requirements and the timing when they should commence.
B1.4 | Continuous Emissions Monitoring Systems (CEMS) for Hydrogen Chloride (HCl) Gas Measurements in Coal Fired Utility Plant Stack Emissions
Gary Cacciatore | Manager, Tyco Environmental Systems
Traditionally, CEMS in Coal Fired utility plants have measured NOx, SO2, CO and CO2 as required by appropriate regulations (US EPA Part 60, Part 75 etc.). However, impending Utility MACT requirements for 2011 will require the measurement and reporting of HCl which is beyond the capability of the majority of existing CEMS at these coal fired utility plants. Specifically the measurement of HCl presents unique challenges due to the reactive nature of HCl which cannot be measured by traditional dried gas or dilution systems. In the case of dried gas systems the HCl will be scrubbed along with the water and dilution systems would reduce the levels below detectable limits. Fortunately other similar industries, such as hazardous waste and municipal waste incinerators have for some time been required to measure similar levels of HCl. The proven methodology is to operate the gas analyzer and all system components at elevated temperatures which are well above the water and acid dew points, and is commonly known as a Hot-Wet measurement using the Gas Filter Correlation technique. Hot-Wet CEMS have been used extensively for HCl monitoring in waste-to-energy facilities (municipal waste combustion) and hazardous waste incinerators at over 1,000 installations operate worldwide for several decades. An added benefit to this technology is that the same instrument can also measure all of the other traditional gases such as SO2, CO, CO2 and NOx, completely replacing an entire room full of instruments.
B1.5 | Re-designing your CEMS Program for Carbon Trading
Russell Berry | Project Manager, RMB Consulting & Research, Inc.
Considering recent events in the greenhouse gas (GHG) arena, it is quite possible that a carbon cap and trade program may be established in the near future. The cost of such a program will be enormous, and the accuracy of reported emission measurements will be paramount. This paper discusses details associated with CEMS designs, operation and maintenance procedures (O&M) and quality assurance and quality control (QA/QC) procedures that affect carbon dioxide (CO2) measurement accuracy. Diurnal trends, calibration procedures, O&M practices, QA/QC efforts and even the timing of specific tasks (e.g., when a calibration is performed) can affect CO2 measurement accuracy. To quantify the impacts of these effects, this paper presents a case study which looks at the costs and potential savings from recommend changes to the typical CEMS for a utility company with 6000 megawatts (MW) of generating capacity.
B1.6 | Integration or Stand Alone Monitoring Technologies to meet the Industrial Boiler MACT
Tim Kuiken | Western Regional Sales Manager, Cemtek Environmental
The Industrial Boiler MACT may be a precursor for the Utilities MACT and with that measurement requirements in both instances will put an emphasis on Instrument selection for the application. A review of the various monitoring techniques provides options for integrators and end users. Monitoring for pollutants such as Particulate Matter (PM), Hg, HCL, NH3 and THC’s along require a different type of analyzer than those commonly used in standard 40CFR60/75 CEMS. These monitors may be stand alone or require integration in to the existing CEMS. A review of the different measurement technologies provides an insight into how they can be implemented to meet the new monitoring requirements. This presentation looks at the various methods such as continuous or batch methods for Mercury (Hg), tunable diode laser (TDL) measurement technologies and FTIR for HCL & NH3 along with Optical Photometer and Electric Charge Polarization for PM.