Presented at EUEC 2015: February 16, San Diego, CA. (in Session G1 & G2)
G1.1 Lessons Learned from the Preparation of Abatement, Demolition, Plant Asset Valuation, and Environmental Regulated Materials Cost Estimates to Support the Retirement of Three Coal-Fired Power Generation Stations
Jerry Archer, D&D / Repurposing Initiative Leader, Amec Foster Wheeler Environment & Infrastructure,
Inc; Keith D Welcher, Consumers Energy
Environmental regulations, soft wholesale electricity prices, political pressures, and other factors have
accelerated the retirement of coal-fired power plants across the nation. Many utilities now face the
complex task of revamping outdated depreciation cost studies to obtain and prudently justify the
critical funding required to decommission, abate, demolish, and remediate environmental liabilities
associated with plant retirements and future redevelopment. These studies require an assessment
of plant assets to optimize financial credits that will be used to minimize the costs of plant retirement.
Engineering studies were conducted at each of three operating, 300 MW coal-fired power plant
sites to quantify the costs associated with the abatement/demolition, plant asset valuation, and
the environmental liability associated with each plant. Existing plant records and surveys formed the
foundation for detailed estimates and field studies. Plant asset valuation studies employed digital
methods to facilitate an automated take-off process used for calculating the value of scrap assets.
Environmental remediation liabilities were estimated using a Probabilistic Cost Analysis approach
developed by the American Society of Testing and Materials (ASTM) to determine defensible estimates
with limited data.
G1.2 The End of Life: Coal-Fired Power Plant Closure Factors & Implementation
Jennifer Cave, Partner, Bingham Greenebaum Doll LLP;
Jeffery L. Pope. PE, Burns & McDonnell
Engineering Co., Inc.
Nationwide, transformational change is occurring within America’s aging fleet of power plants. An
estimated 200 units will be retired nationwide in the next decade as the primary result of regulatory
& technological changes redefining the national electricity generation landscape. A host of
environmental, health & safety issues must be evaluated when considering decommissioning,
decontamination, & demolition projects at a coal-fired plant. Many owners are experienced at
operating & maintaining these units, but are facing a new challenge with the structural demolition
& remediation of the site. Environmental issues that must be considered include asbestos & lead
abatement, remediation of potential PCB impacts from spills & in building materials, mercury
containing device removal, & universal waste disposal (i.e., lighting ballast). Closure of existing
wet ash ponds & ash landfills must also be evaluated as part of the overall site closure. Other
environmental concerns include dust mitigation, noise & vibration limitations, restrictions on stack
removal, coal pile closure, air, water & waste permitting, fuel storage tank closure, & site remediation
& restoration. Utility easements, storm outfalls, & intake lines must be identified & also removed or
abandoned during plant closure or demolition activities.
G1.3 Planning for Closure: Ash Ponds, Landfills & Coal Piles
Jeffery Pope, Manager, Facility Decommissioning & Demolition Services, Burns & McDonnell
Engineering Co., Inc.
In December 2014, the EPA will finally unveil the much anticipated final coal combustion residuals
(CCR) regulations. Many utilities have been considering approaches for closure of ash ponds, ash
landfills & coal piles as part of the decommissioning, demolition & decontamination (DDD) of former
coal-fired power plants. Closure of these areas presents a new challenge for many owners. A myriad
of considerations & approaches must be evaluated as part of the development of a final approach
including a determination of what the end use of the site will be once everything is removed &
environmental closure is completed. Regulatory involvement & approval will also be an important
component of the planning & implementation process. This presentation will examine the closure
approaches, design considerations & details as well a touch on implementation issues during closure.
G1.4 Plant Decommissioning – A Master Plan for Ensuring Maximum Return & Minimum Liabilities
Jeff Jaros, Sr. Vice President, NTH Consultants, Ltd.; Frank Johnson, R.E. Warner & Associates, Inc.;
Doug Hartman, FirstEnergy Corporation
As a result of environmental regulations targeting the coal-fueled power generation fleet, numerous
shutdowns of older assets have been announced. Additionally, predictions are that up to 50 GW of
generation could be permanently shut down over the next 3 years. Working together, R.E. Warner
& Associates, Inc. and NTH Consultants, Ltd. are assisting our energy clients with master planning to
determine the best course of action after an operating plant has been placed in a safe, secure and
environmental compliance condition. By developing an inventory of all equipment and structures for
sale or scrap, understanding the environmental liabilities and associated mitigation costs, and future
re-use options, companies are better able to understand the value of the asset. Full-scale dismantling
and abatement is not always the most cost-effective solution in the near-term. The presentation will
discuss our approach to developing a master plan for decommissioned assets and provide one such
case example.
G2.1 Optimizing Foam Control for Wet Flue Gas Desulphurization Systems
Kristin Glikbarg, Associate Process Engineer, Burns & McDonnell Engineering Company, Inc.; Paul N.
Dyer & Paul T. Brandt, Burns & McDonnell; Misty Worcester, Minnesota Power
Foaming in wet flue gas desulphurization (WFGD) systems is a common and widespread problem across
the steam electric coal-fired power plant fleet. Despite the frequency of occurrences and problems
caused by foaming, the specifics of their formation remains largely unknown, and no universal solution
exists. This paper discusses the dynamics of foam formation and provides practical recommendations
for the control of foam by conventional and new, novel means. The importance of a thorough
laboratory analysis in the optimization of anti-foaming agents is also discussed. Although periodic
addition of anti-foaming agents to scrubber slurry is the most widely used foam control method, lower
operating cost alternatives are also possible. Through experimental study, certain chemical species
which promote foaming in WFGD systems have been identified. By analyzing foam for the presence
of these species, and by understanding the characteristics of a given scrubber slurry, successful
alternative solutions can be developed.
G2.2 Optimization of Fossil Fuel Fired Boilers with Video-based Thermography
Roland Zepeck, Managing Director, DURAG process & systemy technology gmbh; Eagarat
Chaiyarith, Processplus Company Limited; Maurizio Dal Cin, Power Generation Systems
Fossil Fuel fired Boilers produce energy utilizing the basic chemical reaction C + O2 → CO2 + 94.1 kcal.
This reaction is influenced in its efficiency by many parameters, i.e. the type & quality of the fuel, quantity
& temperature of the combustion air, ration & mixing between the two, etc. In addition the overall
efficiency & environmental friendly operation of a boiler is influenced, besides others, by slagging,
heat transport through water walls, combustion temperature, etc. Depending on the firing system
(tangentially, boxer, wall, grate) the balanced or un-balanced distribution of the energy (temperature)
is responsible for heat corrosion & slagging; too high combustion temperature also produces too high
NOx concentration. Therefore there is a high interest in getting on-line information about the thermal
balance inside the combustion chamber. Furnace Cameras continuously visualize the firing zone. This
gives the operators a possibility to control with their eyes the presence, & to some smaller extend, also
the position & shape of the flame(s). Advanced Systems additionally continuously perform an online
thermographic analysis of the entire firing zone. Based on this analysis the thermal position of the flames
& the temperature distribution within the same are detected, continuously showing unbalances of the
flames as well as influences f. e. from changing fuel Quality, allowing the operator or an optimization
system to adjust the combustion efficiently.
G2.3 Improve Heat Rate & Enhance Operational Flexibility through Sootblowing Optimization at La Cygne Unit 1
Neel Parikh, Sr. Engineer, Siemens Energy, Inc.; Jim Stewart & Kenneth Luebbert, KCP&L
Today’s coal-fired power plants are faced with increasing demands for operational flexibility and
better efficiency. Variable load operation, fuel variations and operating constraints present interesting
challenges. Closedloop optimizers reduce the need for manual adjustments and provide consistency
in unit operation. Such optimizers are typically computer software-based and work by interfacing an
algorithmic and/or artificial intelligence based decision making system to plant control system. Dynamic
adjustment of sootblowing activities and different operational parameters is required to control
slagging and fouling, while maintaining unit load capacity and avoiding adverse impacts of different
operational constraints such as exit gas temperatures, steam temperatures, differential pressures and
attemperation spray flows. Siemens SPPA-P3000 Sootblowing Optimizer solution determines the need
for sootblowing based on dynamic plant conditions, equipment availability and plant operational
drivers. The closed-loop system then propagates individual sootblower activation signals to the
existing sootblower control system at ‘optimal’ times. This paper discusses successful implementation
experience of the Sootblowing Optimizer and presents operational results from La Cygne Unit 1, an
810-MW, cyclonefired boiler, firing a 90 percent Powder River Basin coal blend.
G2.4 Burner Air & Fuel Measurement & Control for Combustion Optimization
David Earley, President, Combustion Technologies Corporation
Coal Fired Power Plants today are being challenged to improve efficiency, meet stringent emissions
standards, burn cheaper fuels to compete with gas and more. The MATS regulation also requires
better tuning for reduced CO. All of this is more easily achievable if the plants can control the air
and fuel to the boiler on a burner to burner basis. In recent years, new technologies have become
available to accurately and continuously measure the coal in each conduit. The use of these devices
combined with coal line valves has led to better balance of coal to burners. Furthermore, the use of
these measurements has helped plants burning more challenging fuels prevent common problems
such as coal layout and pipe fires. The data from these measurement devices is now being used to
better control Primary Airflow to the mills to prevent layout/fires as well as to prevent operators from
using too MUCH Primary Air. Today’s low NOx burners have dampers to allow for control of Secondary
Airflow to burners. Measurement devices applied to these burners allow for adjustment to precisely
control the mass flow of air to each burner. Combining burner airflow with coal line fuel flow allows
plants to optimize combustion at each burner. This level of optimization will be critical to meeting MATS
regulations for boiler tuning.
G2.5 Thermodynamic Optimization of Power Plants: Maximum Efficiency versus Minimum Entropy Generation
Yousef Haseli, Visiting Assistant Professor, Western New England University
System level optimization of power plants is mainly based on the thermodynamic laws. Various objective
functions are proposed by researchers that are based on the 1st and 2nd law of thermodynamics.
Given the fast technological advancement of power plants, it is important to understand which
optimization objective should be used in practical applications. The idea is to explore whether there
is any consistent relation between the entropy production of a power plant and its thermal efficiency
and work production. The study considers four configurations of gas turbine cycles: a regenerative
gas turbine, a reheat regenerative gas turbine, an intercooled regenerative gas turbine, and an
integrated solid oxide fuel cell and gas turbine power plant. The operational regimes at maximum
thermal efficiency, maximum work output and minimum entropy production of these power plants
are compared. The results reveal that a reduction in entropy production is neither equivalent to an
increase in thermal efficiency; nor to an increase in work output. Under special circumstances, minimum
entropy production design may be identical to maximum thermal efficiency design and/or maximum
work output design. It is demonstrated that for practical applications, thermodynamic optimization of
power plants should continue to be based upon maximum thermal efficiency or maximum work output
criteria. In other words, for real life applications, entropy-based design of power plants may lead to a
deficient design.
G2.6 Re-Engineering Coal-Fired Power Plants to meet EPA Regulations
Keith Moore, President, Castle-Light Energy Corp
Are FGD & SCR emission control technologies Obsolete? Technologies do not evolve……………,
they LEAP FROG! With many U.S. coal-fired plants being shut down, moth balled, or abandoned, is
it possible to Re-Engineer these plants to meet EPA regulations & continue to operate with low SO2,
NOx & CO2 emissions & also competitively dispatch electricity? CastleLight Energy will discuss recent
developments in Coal Beneficiation to remove water, ash, mercury & even the oil values, coupled
with its field demonstrated “hybrid of coal-gasification” furnace modifications for very low SO2 & NOx
emissions & improved boiler efficiency (reduced CO2) to provide coal-fired power plants a significant
reduction in operating costs & pollutant emissions. See