Corporate Address:

SunEast Development LLC
34 W. Miner Street
West Chester

A privately held solar energy development company that has partnered with recognized leaders in the renewable energy industry
SunEast is managing the development of over 800 MWs of solar projects in the eastern U.S. This includes the full spectrum of the solar development process including strategic site assessment, land origination, project design, interconnection, permitting, offtake contracting, and site engineering for solar projects ranging from 2 MWs to 80 MWs in the New York ISO, ISO New England and the PJM Interconnection markets

Anthony Cirillo

Executive Director Engineering

1-Minute Introductory Video

When Going Green Turns to Red

Information Request

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Utility Strategies | T&D | Poles  | Green Energy |

Feb 14 ( 3:30 – 5:30 pm)

Chad Hering

Reduce Environmental Impacts Of Overhead Structures

Chris Jorgensen

Environmental Permitting and Siting for Renewable Utilities

Anthony Cirillo

When Going Green Turns to Red