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1955 Fremont Ave, Idaho Falls, ID 83415

Idaho National Lab

INL houses an exceptional array of scientific expertise, equipment and vision to help shape extraordinary new technologies into practical, everyday uses. Though we are diverse in our research, all our missions call for us to advance human knowledge to make a safer, cleaner world with a higher standard of living for everyone.

Mucun Sun


1-Minute Introductory Video

Mucun Sun

Floating PV in U.S. Reservoirs: Regulatory, Environmental, & Economic Potential

Information Request

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Scaling |  PV  | Waste Management  | H2

Feb 15 (3:30 – 5 pm)

Jacinto Duran (COCHAIR)

How to effectively scale-up first of a kind technology

Mucun Sun

Floating PV in U.S. Reservoirs: Regulatory, Environmental, & Economic Potential

Jaisen Mody

Hydrogen Fuel: Opportunities and Challenges