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Wolters Kluwer
Expert solutions for leading professionals
Sean Wilson
Business Development Lead
Connecting the Desktop to the Field for better Risk and Hazard Awareness at Job Sites
Connecting the Desktop to the Field for better Risk and Hazard Awareness at the Job Site
Sean Wilson – Wolters Kluwer Enablon
Risk awareness and safety management of industrial facilities involves the identification, evaluation, and control of potential risks and hazards that could lead to accidents or incidents. Traditionally, this has been done through process hazard analysis (PHA) techniques, which involve identifying potential hazards and their consequences, and developing controls to mitigate these risks.Tomorrows approach combines PHA, bowtie analysis, and cumulative risk visualization. Through a common integration of these techniques, it is possible to recontextualize the way risks are assessed and managed, providing a more comprehensive and dynamic view of the risks associated with an activity or task.The approach uses PHA to identify potential hazards and their consequences and share them to bowties to represent the links between hazards, threats, and controls. These bowties are then used to identify areas of cumulative risk, which are visualized. By this incredible combination of techniques and tools, a highly efficient and holistic view of the risks can be better understood. We believe this approach will drastically improve awareness and safety management practices and noticeably reduce the risk of accidents and incidents in industrial facilities.
1-Minute Introductory Video
Sean Wilson
Connecting the Desktop to the Field for better Risk and Hazard Awareness at Job Sites
Information Request
Decommissioning | Hazard Awareness | Wildfire | Risk | Fire Resistant Fluids
Feb 15 (3:30 – 5pm)

Sean Wilson
Connecting the Desktop to the Field for better Risk and Hazard Awareness at Job Sites
Connecting the Desktop to the Field for better Risk and Hazard Awareness at the Job Site
Connecting the Desktop to the Field for better Risk and Hazard Awareness at the Job Site
Sean Wilson – Wolters Kluwer Enablon
Risk awareness and safety management of industrial facilities involves the identification, evaluation, and control of potential risks and hazards that could lead to accidents or incidents. Traditionally, this has been done through process hazard analysis (PHA) techniques, which involve identifying potential hazards and their consequences, and developing controls to mitigate these risks.Tomorrows approach combines PHA, bowtie analysis, and cumulative risk visualization. Through a common integration of these techniques, it is possible to recontextualize the way risks are assessed and managed, providing a more comprehensive and dynamic view of the risks associated with an activity or task.The approach uses PHA to identify potential hazards and their consequences and share them to bowties to represent the links between hazards, threats, and controls. These bowties are then used to identify areas of cumulative risk, which are visualized. By this incredible combination of techniques and tools, a highly efficient and holistic view of the risks can be better understood. We believe this approach will drastically improve awareness and safety management practices and noticeably reduce the risk of accidents and incidents in industrial facilities.

Mike Wilson
AI Wildfire Detection & All-Hazard Camera Platform – Protecting your assets and the environment
AI Wildfire Detection & All-Hazard Camera Platform - Protecting your assets and the environment
AI Wildfire Detection & All-Hazard Camera Platform – Protecting your assets and the environment
Mike Wilson
ALERTWest stands at the forefront of Artificial Intelligence (AI) advancements, specifically in the domain of wildfire detection. Our system, the only one of its kind currently in operation at scale, encompassing more than 1,060 PTZ cameras, in addition to over 5,000 fixed cameras located across the Western United States. Our technology is seamlessly integrated into the dispatch centers of CAL FIRE, PG&E, and other agencies across California and the Western States. PG&E Hazard Awareness Center uses this platform for protection of their assets, early fire detection, and quick fire department response for mitigation of wildfire threats.

Zhihao Chen
Fyrquel® Phosphate Ester, the self-extinguishing fire-resistant hydraulic fluid
Overview of Fyrquel® Phosphate Ester, the self-extinguishing fire-resistant hydraulic fluids
Overview of Fyrquel® Phosphate Ester, the self-extinguishing fire-resistant hydraulic fluids
Zhihao Chen
Power plants, being complex environments with inherent fire hazards, demand the unequaled protection provided by advanced fire-resistant fluid technologies to mitigate the potential risks associated with hydraulic and lubrication systems. Fyrquel® fluids are self-extinguishing fire-resistant synthetic non aqueous triaryl phosphate ester fluids used in Industrial hydraulic fluids and lubricant applications worldwide. As the leading manufacturer and supplier for Fyrquel® fluids, ICL-IP have a long history of providing power plant users with millions of hours of safe reliable operation. This presentation will underscore the characteristics and benefits of using phosphate ester, demonstrate the maintenance of the fluids, and introduce ICL’s fluid testing services.
FAQ 1. Why are Fyrquel® phosphate ester fluids preferred by major OEMS? 2. Are all phosphate ester fire resistant Functional Fluids in the same category? 3. What is the new Fyrquel® EHC Plus fluid and its advantages? |