Tim Silar
Full scale implementation of Discrete In-Situ Solidification (Discrete ISS), a cost effective impoundment closure technology is ongoing. State and Federal regulators have determined that Discrete ISS meets U.S. EPA’s requirement of an engineering control that will control, minimize, or eliminate to the maximum extent feasible movement of liquid into and out of impoundments. Silar Services Inc.’s patented, proprietary technology meets these requirements by mitigating groundwater infiltration.
Discrete ISS technology hydraulically isolates coal combustion residuals (CCR) from groundwater by constructing a hydraulic barrier at the bottom of the impoundment and along the perimeter using engineered ISS applications on the CCR and natural material, and capping the impoundment for closure. If Discrete ISS is appropriate at your site, inclusion of Discrete ISS significantly will reduce the cost and schedule of closure for utilities and ratepayers without sacrificing environmental protection.