Corporate Address:
Trinity Consultants
12700 Park Central, Suite 2100, Dallas, Texas

Solving Complex Problems

We provide solutions and expertise to help clients support, monitor, build, and protect within the ever-changing natural, scientific, and built environments.
We leverage field-tested technologies and methodologies to provide innovative solutions and help clients achieve their environmental goals. Our expertise in working with multiple environmental emission types allows us to provide a comprehensive and integrated approach to environmental management.

Stephen Beene

Stephen Beene

Senior Consultant, Trinity Consultants

1-Minute Introductory Video

Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) and EPA Regs on Power Sector Modeling using Integrated Planning Model (IPM)

Information Request

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Air Quality | Modeling | Monitoring  | Drones

Feb 14 ( 1 – 3 pm)

Stephen Beene

Stephen Beene

Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) and EPA Regs on Power Sector Modeling using Integrated Planning Model (IPM)

Roberto San Jose

CO2 simulations with WRF-VPRM for CMIP6 climate scenarios

David Ryan

 Mathematics of Drones

In Woo Choi, Ji HoonSeo,  Jong Sohn 

Microplastic from facial masks and its inhalation exposure

Jithin Kanayankottupoyil

Air Quality Management in Dallas and Fort Worth: A Multi-Decadal Environmental Perspective