I1.1 | A Fifteen Year Roadmap Toward Complete Energy Sustainability
Andrew Frank | Professor, University of Calif-Davis
Transitioning to a Renewable Energy based Society Without Fossil Fuels in 15 years using The Existing Energy Infrastructure Sterling Watson Principal Investigator and Prof Andrew A. Frank Univ. of CA- Davis The purpose of this paper is to show that we can transition from fossil fuel dependency to a sustainable society dependent only on renewable energy. In truth, all energy is renewable, but fossil fuels are renewable with a cycle time of hundreds of millions of years. Due to global warming and fossil fuel economics we must find alternative energy sources. We will show that we can use renewable energy at a low cost to power our entire society. A road map is created showing how to accomplish this in only fifteen years with a reasonable rate of investment, using the example of the typical American State of Hawaii. Hawaii is chosen because its energy use is entirely imported fossil fuel which is well documented. If we can show that Hawaii can become fossil fuel independent, then any State in the US can also become fossil fuel independent. If we can do this in the United States, then the rest of the world can also become fossil fuel independent. We will show that this can be done without a change in our energy infrastructure by using Plug-In Vehicle’s, Solar, Wind and Biofuels. Heavy industry can be powered by Nuclear
I1.2 | Levers and Drivers for Local Community Energy Action
Thomas Jensen | Practice Leader, Sustainable Solutions, Science Applications International Corporation
Many utilities and other energy efficiency organizations are interested in collaborating with local governments and community-based organizations to deliver energy efficiency programs. This paper presents the results of nationwide research on successful approaches and remaining challenges, based on analysis of more than 50 communities. Strategies analyzed include leveraging climate planning, advanced energy codes, zero net energy solutions and technologies, municipal leadership on their buildings, integrated land use and energy planning and monitoring, and financing to motivate energy efficiency within communities. This paper suggests that levers to promote energy efficiency in local communities need to be carefully chosen with the characteristics and the capabilities of the communities in mind and with the recognition that the effectiveness of many of the levers is not well understood. The paper presents a capacity-based model to help evaluate community attributes and offers a road mapping methodology as a tool for communities, utilities, and state agencies to plan programs. The model also helps communities develop strategies using their local characteristics to collaborate and partner among themselves, utilities, and other organizations. The paper uses examples of communities from across the country to illustrate findings. Finally, the paper presents policy strategies and specific recommendations for communities and others.
I1.3 | A Look at Sustainability Programs in the Electric Utility Sector
Jeffrey Plante | Program Director, Environmental Resources Management
Sustainability awareness continues to escalate in our society. In response to internal (directors, investors, and stockholders) and external (consumers and stakeholder groups) demands, more electric utilities are developing, implementing, or enhancing their sustainability programs. This paper will present an overview of some of the more robust utility sustainability programs, and what is setting them apart from other companies. A review of sustainability indices for electric utilities will be presented. Information and insights will be sought from several utilities with sustainability programs.
I1.4 | New options for Corporate Renewable Energy Programs
Peter Freed | Project Developer, TerraPass
For many companies, developing a renewable energy project means putting solar panels on the roof or buying RECs. More options are available for corporate renewable energy programs. TerraPass is working with corporations around the country to develop dedicated, off-site renewable energy projects. Such initiatives present unique opportunities for creating a long-term supply of fixed price, green power or gas. In this presentation, I will explore a variety of ways companies can identify and develop off-site renewable energy projects, how such arrangements can be structured, possible benefits to the companies and project owners and the challenges of such an approach.
I5.3 | State of Sustainability for the Electric Industry
Todd Maki | Project Manager, Sustainability, Electric Power Research Institute
Since early 2008, the Electric Power Research Institute has facilitated discussions amongst electric utilities, industry experts, and industry stakeholders to share best practices and advance sustainability in the industry through its Energy Sustainability Interest Group. Participants agree there is a shared benefit to discussing common sustainability challenges, learning from one another’s experiences, and working together to address sustainability-related challenges. The interest group provides the industry with opportunities to work on a common, industry-wide definition of sustainability and a mechanism for reshaping that definition as the concept evolves over time. This discussion will summarize outcomes and highlights from the collaborative group, including drivers for sustainability in the industry and industry best practices in advancing sustainability. Specific topics addressed will include corporate strategies, stakeholder initiatives, and sustainability frameworks. It will also provide an overview of an emerging effort to broadly develop a common set of principles and measures of sustainability for the industry.